Specifics of using pytest to check tasks#
Pytest in course is primarily used for self-tests of tasks. However, this test is not optional - task is considered done when it complies with all specified points and passes tests. For my part, I also check tasks with automatic tests and then look at the code, write comments if necessary and show a solution option.
At first, tests require effort but through a couple of sections they will help solve tasks.
Tests that are written for course are not a benchmark or best practice of test writing. Tests are written with maximum emphasis on clarity and many things are done differently.
When solving tasks especially when there are doubts about the final format of data to be obtained, it is better to look into test. For example, if task_9_1.py the corresponding test will be in test/test_task_9_1.py.
Test example tests/test_task_9_1.py:
import pytest
import task_9_1
import sys
from common_functions import check_function_exists, check_function_params
# Checks is function generate_access_config is created in task task_9_1
def test_function_created():
check_function_exists(task_9_1, 'generate_access_config')
# Cheks fucntion parameters
def test_function_params():
param_count=2, param_names=['intf_vlan_mapping', 'access_template'])
def test_function_return_value():
access_vlans_mapping = {
'FastEthernet0/12': 10,
'FastEthernet0/14': 11,
'FastEthernet0/16': 17
template_access_mode = [
'switchport mode access', 'switchport access vlan',
'switchport nonegotiate', 'spanning-tree portfast',
'spanning-tree bpduguard enable'
correct_return_value = ['interface FastEthernet0/12',
'switchport mode access',
'switchport access vlan 10',
'switchport nonegotiate',
'spanning-tree portfast',
'spanning-tree bpduguard enable',
'interface FastEthernet0/14',
'switchport mode access',
'switchport access vlan 11',
'switchport nonegotiate',
'spanning-tree portfast',
'spanning-tree bpduguard enable',
'interface FastEthernet0/16',
'switchport mode access',
'switchport access vlan 17',
'switchport nonegotiate',
'spanning-tree portfast',
'spanning-tree bpduguard enable']
return_value = task_9_1.generate_access_config(access_vlans_mapping, template_access_mode)
assert return_value != None, "Functon returns nothing"
assert type(return_value) == list, "Function has to return a list"
assert return_value == correct_return_value, "Function return wrong value"
Note correct_return_value variable - this variable contains the resulting list that should return generate_access_config function. Therefore for example, if question has arisen of whether to add spaces before commands or a new line at the end, you can look at what the result requires. Also check your output against the output in variable_return_value.
How to run tests for tasks verification#
The most important thing is where to run tests: all tests must be run from a directory with section tasks, not from a test directory. For example, in section 09_functions such a directory structure with tasks:
vagrant: [master|✔]
$ tree
├── config_r1.txt
├── config_sw1.txt
├── config_sw2.txt
├── conftest.py
├── task_9_1a.py
├── task_9_1.py
├── task_9_2a.py
├── task_9_2.py
├── task_9_3a.py
├── task_9_3.py
├── task_9_4.py
└── tests
├── test_task_9_1a.py
├── test_task_9_1.py
├── test_task_9_2a.py
├── test_task_9_2.py
├── test_task_9_3a.py
├── test_task_9_3.py
└── test_task_9_4.py
In this case, you have to run tests from 09_functions directory:
vagrant: [master|✔]
$ pytest tests/test_task_9_1.py
========================= test session starts ==========================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-4.6.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.12.0
rootdir: /home/vagrant/repos/pyneng-7/pyneng-online-may-aug-2019/exercises/09_functions
collected 3 items
tests/test_task_9_1.py ... [100%]
If you run tests from tests directory, errors will appear.
In addition to test directory there is a conftest.py file - special file in which you can write functions (more precisely fixtures) common to different tests. For example, this file contains functions that connect via SSH/Telnet to equipment.
Useful commands#
Run one test:
$ pytest tests/test_task_9_1.py
Run one test with more detailed output (shows diff between data in test and what is received from function):
$ pytest tests/test_task_9_1.py -vv
Start all tests of one section:
vagrant: [master|✔]
$ pytest
======================= test session starts ========================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.3, pytest-4.6.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.12.0
rootdir: /home/vagrant/repos/pyneng-7/pyneng-online-may-aug-2019/exercises/09_functions
collected 21 items
tests/test_task_9_1.py ..F [ 14%]
tests/test_task_9_1a.py FFF [ 28%]
tests/test_task_9_2.py FFF [ 42%]
tests/test_task_9_2a.py FFF [ 57%]
tests/test_task_9_3.py FFF [ 71%]
tests/test_task_9_3a.py FFF [ 85%]
tests/test_task_9_4.py FFF [100%]
Starts all tests of the same section with error messages displayed in one line:
$ pytest --tb=line