Example of using Jinja#
Template templates/router_template.txt is a plain text file:
hostname {{name}}
interface Loopback10
description MPLS loopback
ip address 10.10.{{id}}.1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description WAN to {{name}} sw1 G0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.1{{id}}1
description MPLS to {{to_name}}
encapsulation dot1Q 1{{id}}1
ip address 10.{{id}}.1.2
ip ospf network point-to-point
ip ospf hello-interval 1
ip ospf cost 10
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description LAN {{name}} to sw1 G0/2 !
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.{{IT}}
description PW IT {{name}} - {{to_name}}
encapsulation dot1Q {{IT}}
xconnect 10.10.{{to_id}}.1 {{id}}11 encapsulation mpls
backup peer 10.10.{{to_id}}.2 {{id}}21
backup delay 1 1
interface GigabitEthernet0/1.{{BS}}
description PW BS {{name}} - {{to_name}}
encapsulation dot1Q {{BS}}
xconnect 10.10.{{to_id}}.1 {{to_id}}{{id}}11 encapsulation mpls
backup peer 10.10.{{to_id}}.2 {{to_id}}{{id}}21
backup delay 1 1
router ospf 10
router-id 10.10.{{id}}.1
auto-cost reference-bandwidth 10000
network area 0
Data file routers_info.yml
- id: 11
name: Liverpool
to_name: LONDON
IT: 791
BS: 1550
to_id: 1
- id: 12
name: Bristol
to_name: LONDON
IT: 793
BS: 1510
to_id: 1
- id: 14
name: Coventry
to_name: Manchester
IT: 892
BS: 1650
to_id: 2
Script to generate configurations router_config_generator_ver2.py
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import yaml
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'))
template = env.get_template('router_template.txt')
with open('routers_info.yml') as f:
routers = yaml.safe_load(f)
for router in routers:
r1_conf = router['name'] + '_r1.txt'
with open(r1_conf, 'w') as f:
File router_config_generator.py imports from jinja2 module:
- a loader that allows working with a file systempath to directory where templates are located is specified here
in this case template is in templates directory
- a class for describing environment parameters. In thiscase only loader is specified, but you can specify how to process a template
Note that template is now in templates