Match function#

Function match:

  • is used to search at the beginning of string that corresponds to regex

  • returns Match object if match is found

  • returns None if no match was found

Match function differs from search in that match always looks for a match at the beginning of the line. For example, if you repeat the example that was used for search function, but with match:

In [2]: import re

In [3]: log = '%SW_MATM-4-MACFLAP_NOTIF: Host 01e2.4c18.0156 in vlan 10 is flapping between port Gi0/16 and port Gi0/24'

In [4]: match = re.match(r'Host \S+ '
   ...:                  r'in vlan (\d+) '
   ...:                  r'is flapping between port '
   ...:                  r'(\S+) and port (\S+)', log)

The result will be None:

In [6]: print(match)

This is because match searches for Host word at the beginning of the line. But this message is in the middle.

In this case it is easy to fix expression so that match() function finds match:

In [4]: match = re.match(r'\S+: Host \S+ '
   ...:                  r'in vlan (\d+) '
   ...:                  r'is flapping between port '
   ...:                  r'(\S+) and port (\S+)', log)

Expression \S+: was added before Host word. Now match will be found:

In [11]: print(match)
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 104), match='%SW_MATM-4-MACFLAP_NOTIF: Host 01e2.4c18.0156 in >

In [12]: match.groups()
Out[12]: ('10', 'Gi0/16', 'Gi0/24')

Example is similar to one used in search function with minor changes (parse_log_match file):

import re

regex = (r'\S+: Host \S+ '
         r'in vlan (\d+) '
         r'is flapping between port '
         r'(\S+) and port (\S+)')

ports = set()

with open('log.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        match = re.match(regex, line)
        if match:
            vlan =

print('Loop between ports {} in VLAN {}'.format(', '.join(ports), vlan))

The result is:

$ python
Loop between ports Gi0/19, Gi0/24, Gi0/16 in VLAN 10