CREATE TABLE statement allows you to create tables.

First connect to database or create it with litecli:

$ litecli new_db.db
Version: 1.0.0

Create a switch table which stores information about switches:

new_db.db> create table switch (mac text not NULL primary key, hostname text, model text, location text);
Query OK, 0 rows affected
Time: 0.010s

In this example, we described switch table: we defined which fields would be in the table and which types of values would be in them.

Additionally, mac field is primary key. That automatically means that:

  • field must be unique

  • field cannot have null value (in SQLite this must be stated explicitly)

In this example this is quite logical as MAC address must be unique.

There are no entries in the table at the moment, only a definition. You can view definition with this command:

new_db.db> .schema switch
| sql                                                                                           |
| CREATE TABLE switch (mac text not NULL primary key, hostname text, model text, location text) |
Time: 0.037s