Sequence protocol#

In the most basic version, sequence protocol (sequence) includes two methods: __len__ and __getitem__. In more complete version also methods: __contains__, __iter__, __reversed__, index and count. If sequence is mutable, several other methods are added.

Add __len__ and __getitem__ methods to Network class:

In [1]: class Network:
   ...:     def __init__(self, network):
   ...: = network
   ...:         subnet = ipaddress.ip_network(
   ...:         self.addresses = [str(ip) for ip in subnet.hosts()]
   ...:     def __iter__(self):
   ...:         return iter(self.addresses)
   ...:     def __len__(self):
   ...:         return len(self.addresses)
   ...:     def __getitem__(self, index):
   ...:         return self.addresses[index]

Method __len__ is called by len function:

In [2]: net1 = Network('')

In [3]: len(net1)
Out[3]: 2

And __getitem__ method is called when you acess item by index:

In [4]: net1[0]
Out[4]: ''

In [5]: net1[1]
Out[5]: ''

In [6]: net1[-1]
Out[6]: ''

__getitem__ method is responsible not only for access by index, but also for slices:

In [7]: net1 = Network('')

In [8]: net1[0]
Out[8]: ''

In [9]: net1[3:7]
Out[9]: ['', '', '', '']

In [10]: net1[3:]

In this case, because __getitem__ method uses a list, errors are processed correctly automatically:

In [11]: net1[100]
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-09ca84e34cb6> in <module>
----> 1 net1[100]

<ipython-input-2-bc213b4a03ca> in __getitem__(self, index)
     13     def __getitem__(self, index):
---> 14         return self.addresses[index]

IndexError: list index out of range

In [12]: net1['a']
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-facd90673864> in <module>
----> 1 net1['a']

<ipython-input-2-bc213b4a03ca> in __getitem__(self, index)
     13     def __getitem__(self, index):
---> 14         return self.addresses[index]

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

Remaining methods of sequence protocol:

  • __contains__ - this method is responsible for checking the presence of element in sequence '' in net1. If object does not define this method, the presence of element is checked by iteration of elements using __iter__ and if this method is also unavailable, then by index iteration with __getitem__.

  • __reversed__ - is used by built-in reversed function. This method is usually best not to create and rely on the fact that reversed function in absence of __reversed__ method will use methods __len__ and __getitem__.

  • index - returns index of element. Works exactly the same as index method in lists and tuples.

  • count - returns number of values. Works exactly the same as count method in lists and tuples.