Dictionaries are mutable ordered data type:
data in dictionary are pairs
key: value
values are accessible by key, not by number as in lists
entries in dictionary stored in order they were added
since dictionaries are mutable, dictionary items can be changed, added, removed
key must be an immutable object: number, string, tuple
value can be data of any type
In other programming languages a similar dictionary can be called an associative array, hash, or hash table.
Example of dictionary:
london = {'name': 'London1', 'location': 'London Str', 'vendor': 'Cisco'}
You can write it down like this:
london = {
'id': 1,
'name': 'London',
'it_vlan': 320,
'user_vlan': 1010,
'mngmt_vlan': 99,
'to_name': None,
'to_id': None,
'port': 'G1/0/11'
In order to get a value from dictionary you have to refer to key in the same way as in lists, only key will be used instead of number:
In [1]: london = {'name': 'London1', 'location': 'London Str'}
In [2]: london['name']
Out[2]: 'London1'
In [3]: london['location']
Out[3]: 'London Str'
Similarly, a new key-value pair could be added:
In [4]: london['vendor'] = 'Cisco'
In [5]: print(london)
{'vendor': 'Cisco', 'name': 'London1', 'location': 'London Str'}
Or rewritten:
In [6]: london['vendor'] = 'cisco ios'
In [7]: print(london)
{'vendor': 'cisco ios', 'name': 'London1', 'location': 'London Str'}
In dictionary you can use a dictionary as a value:
london_co = {
'r1': {
'hostname': 'london_r1',
'location': '21 New Globe Walk',
'vendor': 'Cisco',
'model': '4451',
'ios': '15.4',
'ip': ''
'r2': {
'hostname': 'london_r2',
'location': '21 New Globe Walk',
'vendor': 'Cisco',
'model': '4451',
'ios': '15.4',
'ip': ''
'sw1': {
'hostname': 'london_sw1',
'location': '21 New Globe Walk',
'vendor': 'Cisco',
'model': '3850',
'ios': '3.6.XE',
'ip': ''
You can get values from nested dictionary by:
In [7]: london_co['r1']['ios']
Out[7]: '15.4'
In [8]: london_co['r1']['model']
Out[8]: '4451'
In [9]: london_co['sw1']['ip']
Out[9]: ''
Function sorted
sorts dictionary keys in ascending order and
returns a new list with sorted keys:
In [1]: london = {'name': 'London1', 'location': 'London Str', 'vendor': 'Cisco'}
In [2]: sorted(london)
Out[2]: ['location', 'name', 'vendor']