Parameter self#

Parameter self was specified before in method definition, as well as when using instance variables in method. Parameter self is a reference to a particular instance of class. Parameter self is not a special name but an arrangement. Instead of self you can use a different name but you shouldn’t do that.

Example of using a different name instead of self:

In [15]: class Switch:
    ...:     def info(sw_object):
    ...:         print(f'Hostname: {sw_object.hostname}\nModel: {sw_object.model}')

It will work the same way:

In [16]: sw1 = Switch()

In [17]: sw1.hostname = 'sw1'

In [18]: sw1.model = 'Cisco 3850'

In [19]:
Hostname: sw1
Model: Cisco 3850


Although technically you can use another name but always use self.

In all “usual” methods of class the first parameter will always be self. Furthermore, creating an instance variable within a class is also done via self.

An example of Switch class with new generate_interfaces method: generate_interfaces method must generate a list with interfaces based on specified type and quantity and create variable in an instance of class. First, an option of creating a usual variable within method:

In [5]: class Switch:
   ...:     def generate_interfaces(self, intf_type, number_of_intf):
   ...:         interfaces = [f'{intf_type}{number}' for number in range(1, number_of_intf+1)]

In this case, class instances will not have interfaces variable:

In [6]: sw1 = Switch()

In [7]: sw1.generate_interfaces('Fa', 10)

In [8]: sw1.interfaces
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-e6b457e4e23e> in <module>()
----> 1 sw1.interfaces

AttributeError: 'Switch' object has no attribute 'interfaces'

This variable does not exist because it exists only within method and visibility area of method is the same as function. Even other methods of the same class do not see variables in other methods.

For list with interfaces to be available as a variable in instances, you have to assign value in self.interfaces:

In [9]: class Switch:
   ...:     def info(self):
   ...:         print(f'Hostname: {self.hostname}\nModel: {self.model}')
   ...:     def generate_interfaces(self, intf_type, number_of_intf):
   ...:         interfaces = [f'{intf_type}{number}' for number in range(1, number_of_intf + 1)]
   ...:         self.interfaces = interfaces

Now, after generate_interfaces method is called interfaces variable is created in instance:

In [10]: sw1 = Switch()

In [11]: sw1.generate_interfaces('Fa', 10)

In [12]: sw1.interfaces
Out[12]: ['Fa1', 'Fa2', 'Fa3', 'Fa4', 'Fa5', 'Fa6', 'Fa7', 'Fa8', 'Fa9', 'Fa10']