Underscore in names#

In Python, underscores at the beginning or at the end of a name indicates special names. Most often it’s just an arrangement but sometimes it actually affects object behavior.

Underscore in name#

In Python, one underscore is used to simply indicate that data is discarded.

For example, if you want to get MAC address, IP address, VLAN and interface from line string and discard the rest of fields, you can use this option:

In [1]: line = '00:09:BB:3D:D6:58 86250   dhcp-snooping   10  FastEthernet0/1'

In [2]: mac, ip, _, _, vlan, intf = line.split()

In [3]: print(mac, ip, vlan, intf)
00:09:BB:3D:D6:58 10 FastEthernet0/1

This record indicates that we do not need the third and fourth elements.

You can do this:

In [4]: mac, ip, lease, entry_type, vlan, intf = line.split()

But then it may be unclear why lease and entry_type variables are not used any further. It is better to call variable names like ignored.

A similar technique can be used when a loop variable is not needed:

In [5]: [0 for _ in range(10)]
Out[5]: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Underscore in interpreter#

In the python and ipython interpreter undesrcore is used to get result of the last experision.

In [6]: [0 for _ in range(10)]
Out[6]: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

In [7]: _
Out[7]: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

In [8]: a = _

In [9]: a
Out[9]: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Single underscore#

One underscore before name#

One underscore before name indicates that the name is used as an internal name.

For example, if one underscore is specified in name of function or method, this means that the object is an internal implementation and should not be used directly.

But also, when importing from module import * the objects that start with underscore will not be imported.

For instanse, example.py file contains these variables and functions:

db_name = 'dhcp_snooping.db'
_path = '/home/nata/pyneng/'

def func1(arg):
    print arg

def _func2(arg):
    print arg

If you import all objects from module, those that start with underscore will not be imported:

In [7]: from example import *

In [8]: db_name
Out[8]: 'dhcp_snooping.db'

In [9]: _path
NameError: name '_path' is not defined

In [10]: func1(1)

In [11]: _func2(1)
NameError: name '_func2' is not defined

One underscore after name#

One underscore after name is used when the name of object or parameter overlaps with the embedded names.


In [12]: line = '00:09:BB:3D:D6:58 86250   dhcp-snooping   10  FastEthernet0/1'

In [13]: mac, ip, lease, type_, vlan, intf = line.split()

Two underscores#

Two underscores before name#

Two underscores before method name are not used simply as an agreement. Such names are transformed into format “class name + method name”. This allows the creation of unique methods and attributes of classes.


This transformation is only performed if less than two underscore endings or no underscores.

In [14]: class Switch(object):
    ...:     __quantity = 0
    ...:     def __configure(self):
    ...:         pass

In [15]: dir(Switch)
['_Switch__configure', '_Switch__quantity', ...]

Although methods were created without _Switch, it was added.

If you create a subclass, then __configure method will not rewrite method of parent Switch class:

In [16]: class CiscoSwitch(Switch):
    ...:     __quantity = 0
    ...:     def __configure(self):
    ...:         pass

In [17]: dir(CiscoSwitch)
['_CiscoSwitch__configure', '_CiscoSwitch__quantity', '_Switch__configure', '_Switch__quantity', ...]

Two underscores before and after name#

Thus, special variables and methods are denoted.

For example, Python module has such special variables:

  • __name__ - this variable is equal to __main__ when script runs directly, and it is equal to module name when imported

  • __file__ - this variable is equal to script name that was run directly, and equals to complete path to the module when it is imported

__name__ variable is most commonly used to indicate that a certain part of the code must be executed only when module is executed directly:

def multiply(a, b):

    return a * b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(multiply(3, 5))

__file__ variable can be useful in determining the current path to script file:

import os

print('__file__', __file__)

The output will be:

__file__ example2.py

Python also denotes special methods in this way. These methods are called when using Python functions and operators and allow for implementation of a certain functionality.

As a rule, such methods need not be called directly. But for example, when creating your own class it may be necessary to describe such method in order to make object support some operations in Python.

For example, in order to get object length, it must support __len__ method.

Another special method __str__ is called when print operator is used or str function is called. If it is necessary to get a certain output, you have to create this method in the class:

In [10]: class Switch(object):
    ...:     def set_name(self, name):
    ...:         self.name = name
    ...:     def __configure(self):
    ...:         pass
    ...:     def __str__(self):
    ...:         return 'Switch {}'.format(self.name)

In [11]: sw1 = Switch()

In [12]: sw1.set_name('sw1')

In [13]: print sw1
Switch sw1

In [14]: str(sw1)
Out[14]: 'Switch sw1'

There are many such special methods in Python. Some useful links where you can read about a particular method: